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Elul 2024

Dear Mispallel,

As we approach the Yamim Noraim, both as a tzibur and as individuals, we take the time to introspect and review the past year. Looking at all we have accomplished and what more we have to do can truly inspire us individually and collectively as a tzibur.

It is at this time that we, as a shul, reach out to you, our members, to once again commit to the ongoing success, programs, and day to day responsibilities of keeping our shul a vibrant Makom Torah U’tfila. We have accomplished much over this past year and are always looking to accomplish more. As you all know, these accomplishments and growth opportunities could not be possible without the ongoing support of all of us to the highest level possible.

We are very appreciative of the positive responses we have received to our varying levels of membership. Although we have tried tried to keep costs down  and left memberships rates flat these last two years, the rising costs of everything forces  us to raise the membership to what we hope is a reasonable amount.   We once again encourage everyone who can make a stronger commitment to do so at this time in order to continue to show their appreciation and dedication to the shul and our ongoing increasing costs. We understand there are many responsibilities and organizations that deserve your attention and commitment but would like to urge you to recognize your family’s Makom Torah U’tfila as a high priority on that list.

We very much encourage any of you who have the ability to consider stepping up and choosing one of the higher levels to do so at this time. Similarly, if you have not yet committed to the shul we would also encourage you to consider doing so at this time, on any level.


Family Membership - $1320/yr (110 a month) includes 2 seats for Yamim Noraim

Individual Membership - $700/yr includes 1 seat

Associate Membership - $700/yr

Elite Membership ($1620 or $135/month) includes Family Membership benefits plus:

-2 Additional seats for immediate family.

-1 sponsored Kiddush of your choice

Premier Membership ($2520 or $210/month) includes Family Membership benefits plus:

-Additional seats for entire immediate family.

-1 sponsored Kiddush of your choice

Deluxe Membership ($3720 or $310/month) includes Family Membership benefits plus:

-Additional seats for entire immediate family.

-1 sponsored Kiddush of your choice

-1 sponsored Shalosh Seudos of your choice

In the next few weeks, you will be contacted by the membership committee to receive your commitment and method of payment. We strongly encourage setting up monthly credit card payments to streamline the process. Lastly, for any of you who have balances from this past year’s commitment to membership that is unpaid, please set up a payment plan to pay it up.


Please contact either Mrs. Avi Rottman at home (773) 973-2685 or or Mrs. Voie Weinfeld at (773) 316-1666 or as soon as possible in order to reserve your seats.

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT ADDITIONAL SEATS NOT INCLUDED IN MEMBERSHIP WILL BE $150/SEAT so please provide your membership tier choice when giving your seat reservations. 

Wishing you and your entire mishpacha much continued hatzlocha and nachas and a Good Yom Tov and Gut Yor!


The Board of Directors

Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785